Hydrauliköl Tellus S2 MX 32, 1x209L (U)
Maagtechnic Artikelnr: 16724356
"item_name": "hydraulic fluid tellus s2 mx 32, 1x209l (u)",
"item_id": "g1579278053177090",
"material_number": "16724356",
"item_brand": "shell",
"item_category":"lubricants and technical fluids",
"item_category4": "pr6913056700120457",
"item_variant": "pce",
"index": "1",
"quantity": ""
Hydrauliköl Tellus S2 MX 32, 1x209L (R)
Maagtechnic Artikelnr: 15722359
Auf Anfrage
"item_name": "hydraulic fluid tellus s2 mx 32, 1x209l (r)",
"item_id": "g6913056700121445",
"material_number": "15722359",
"price": "0",
"item_brand": "shell",
"item_category":"lubricants and technical fluids",
"item_category4": "pr6913056700120457",
"item_stockstatus": "in stock",
"item_variant": "pce",
"index": "2",
"quantity": ""
Hydrauliköl Tellus S2 MX 100, 1x209L
Maagtechnic Artikelnr: 15753753
Preis exkl. MwSt (pro Stück) :
Preis inkl. MwSt
1807,43 CHF
Preis inkl. MwSt (pro Stück) :
Preis exkl. MwSt
1672,00 CHF
"item_name": "hydraulic fluid tellus s2 mx 100, 209l",
"item_id": "g6913056700121491",
"material_number": "15753753",
"price": "1672",
"item_brand": "shell",
"item_category":"lubricants and technical fluids",
"item_category4": "pr6913056700120457",
"item_stockstatus": "in stock",
"item_variant": "pce",
"quantity": ""
"item_name": "hydraulic fluid tellus s2 mx 100, 209l",
"item_id": "g6913056700121491",
"material_number": "15753753",
"price": "1672",
"item_brand": "shell",
"item_category":"lubricants and technical fluids",
"item_category4": "pr6913056700120457",
"item_stockstatus": "in stock",
"item_variant": "pce",
"index": "3",
"quantity": ""
Hydrauliköl Tellus S2 MX 22, 1x209L
Maagtechnic Artikelnr: 15798893
Preis exkl. MwSt (pro Stück) :
Preis inkl. MwSt
1694,47 CHF
Preis inkl. MwSt (pro Stück) :
Preis exkl. MwSt
1567,50 CHF
"item_name": "hydraulic fluid tellus s2 mx 22, 209l",
"item_id": "g2239147987793903",
"material_number": "15798893",
"price": "1567.5",
"item_brand": "shell",
"item_category":"lubricants and technical fluids",
"item_category4": "pr6913056700120457",
"item_stockstatus": "in stock",
"item_variant": "pce",
"quantity": ""
"item_name": "hydraulic fluid tellus s2 mx 22, 209l",
"item_id": "g2239147987793903",
"material_number": "15798893",
"price": "1567.5",
"item_brand": "shell",
"item_category":"lubricants and technical fluids",
"item_category4": "pr6913056700120457",
"item_stockstatus": "in stock",
"item_variant": "pce",
"index": "4",
"quantity": ""
Hydrauliköl Tellus S2 MX 46 (R), 1x209L
Maagtechnic Artikelnr: 15723662
Preis exkl. MwSt (pro Stück) :
Preis inkl. MwSt
1558,91 CHF
Preis inkl. MwSt (pro Stück) :
Preis exkl. MwSt
1442,10 CHF
"item_name": "hydraulic fluid tellus s2 mx 46 (r), 1x209l",
"item_id": "g6913056700121149",
"material_number": "15723662",
"price": "1442.1",
"item_brand": "shell",
"item_category":"lubricants and technical fluids",
"item_category4": "pr6913056700120457",
"item_stockstatus": "in stock",
"item_variant": "pce",
"quantity": ""
"item_name": "hydraulic fluid tellus s2 mx 46 (r), 1x209l",
"item_id": "g6913056700121149",
"material_number": "15723662",
"price": "1442.1",
"item_brand": "shell",
"item_category":"lubricants and technical fluids",
"item_category4": "pr6913056700120457",
"item_stockstatus": "in stock",
"item_variant": "pce",
"index": "5",
"quantity": ""
Hydrauliköl Tellus S2 MX 68, 1x209L
Maagtechnic Artikelnr: 15723446
Preis exkl. MwSt (pro Stück) :
Preis inkl. MwSt
1705,76 CHF
Preis inkl. MwSt (pro Stück) :
Preis exkl. MwSt
1577,95 CHF
"item_name": "hydraulic fluid tellus s2 mx 68, 1x209l",
"item_id": "g6913056700120890",
"material_number": "15723446",
"price": "1577.95",
"item_brand": "shell",
"item_category":"lubricants and technical fluids",
"item_category4": "pr6913056700120457",
"item_stockstatus": "in stock",
"item_variant": "pce",
"quantity": ""
"item_name": "hydraulic fluid tellus s2 mx 68, 1x209l",
"item_id": "g6913056700120890",
"material_number": "15723446",
"price": "1577.95",
"item_brand": "shell",
"item_category":"lubricants and technical fluids",
"item_category4": "pr6913056700120457",
"item_stockstatus": "in stock",
"item_variant": "pce",
"index": "6",
"quantity": ""
Hydrauliköl Tellus S2 MX 32, 1x1000L IBC
Maagtechnic Artikelnr: 15723787
Preis exkl. MwSt (pro Stück) :
Preis inkl. MwSt
7945,35 CHF
Preis inkl. MwSt (pro Stück) :
Preis exkl. MwSt
7350,00 CHF
"item_name": "hydraulic fluid tellus s2 mx 32, 1x1000l ibc",
"item_id": "g6913056700120935",
"material_number": "15723787",
"price": "7350",
"item_brand": "shell",
"item_category":"lubricants and technical fluids",
"item_category4": "pr6913056700120457",
"item_stockstatus": "in stock",
"item_variant": "pce",
"quantity": ""
"item_name": "hydraulic fluid tellus s2 mx 32, 1x1000l ibc",
"item_id": "g6913056700120935",
"material_number": "15723787",
"price": "7350",
"item_brand": "shell",
"item_category":"lubricants and technical fluids",
"item_category4": "pr6913056700120457",
"item_stockstatus": "in stock",
"item_variant": "pce",
"index": "7",
"quantity": ""
Hydrauliköl Tellus S2 MX 68, 1x1000L IBC
Maagtechnic Artikelnr: 15741260
Preis exkl. MwSt (pro Stück) :
Preis inkl. MwSt
8053,45 CHF
Preis inkl. MwSt (pro Stück) :
Preis exkl. MwSt
7450,00 CHF
"item_name": "hydraulic fluid tellus s2 mx 68, 1x1000l ibc",
"item_id": "g6913056700121151",
"material_number": "15741260",
"price": "7450",
"item_brand": "shell",
"item_category":"lubricants and technical fluids",
"item_category4": "pr6913056700120457",
"item_stockstatus": "in stock",
"item_variant": "pce",
"quantity": ""
"item_name": "hydraulic fluid tellus s2 mx 68, 1x1000l ibc",
"item_id": "g6913056700121151",
"material_number": "15741260",
"price": "7450",
"item_brand": "shell",
"item_category":"lubricants and technical fluids",
"item_category4": "pr6913056700120457",
"item_stockstatus": "in stock",
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"index": "8",
"quantity": ""
Hydrauliköl Tellus S2 MX 46 (R), 1x1000L
Maagtechnic Artikelnr: 15720485
Preis exkl. MwSt (pro Stück) :
Preis inkl. MwSt
7404,85 CHF
Preis inkl. MwSt (pro Stück) :
Preis exkl. MwSt
6850,00 CHF
"item_name": "hydraulic fluid tellus s2 mx 46 (r), 1x1000l",
"item_id": "g6913056700121281",
"material_number": "15720485",
"price": "6850",
"item_brand": "shell",
"item_category":"lubricants and technical fluids",
"item_category4": "pr6913056700120457",
"item_stockstatus": "in stock",
"item_variant": "pce",
"quantity": ""
"item_name": "hydraulic fluid tellus s2 mx 46 (r), 1x1000l",
"item_id": "g6913056700121281",
"material_number": "15720485",
"price": "6850",
"item_brand": "shell",
"item_category":"lubricants and technical fluids",
"item_category4": "pr6913056700120457",
"item_stockstatus": "in stock",
"item_variant": "pce",
"index": "9",
"quantity": ""
Hydrauliköl Tellus S2 MX 46 (U), 1x1000L
Maagtechnic Artikelnr: 16724325
"item_name": "hydraulic fluid tellus s2 mx 46 (u), 1x1000l",
"item_id": "g1579278045236528",
"material_number": "16724325",
"item_brand": "shell",
"item_category":"lubricants and technical fluids",
"item_category4": "pr6913056700120457",
"item_variant": "pce",
"index": "10",
"quantity": ""